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Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Make A Pencil Crossbow

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John Austin has a knack of creating mini weapons out of everyday items like a pencil, shoelace, penny, clothespin and what not. His book ‘Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction’ gives you an insight into the lethal potential of everyday items that can be transformed into a menacing arsenal. Here’s an easy way to make a pencil bowstring-Arrange two pairs of pencils at right angles using a rubber band to hold them together. You can make good use of a pen (with the refill removed) to form the projectile for shooting arrows and Rubber bands can serve as a bowstring. So, Voila! Your mini weapon is ready for shooting at your mates to have fun.

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pencil crossbow 2

pencil crossbow 3

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pencil crossbow 8

Via JohnAustinBooks.
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