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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sarcastic and fun fake street signs are displayed all over USA


If you had fun watching Creative Traffic Lights and Funny Stop Signs, you will definitely love the new ones he has made. The new signs are placed in several cities like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Atlanta, etc., and they are still funny like all of TrustoCorp’s work. .

You will see signs saying “I’m not loving it” in front of Mc Donald’s, “Let’s go eat sushi and not pay for it” with a ski mask, “You look fabulous” with a female thumb up, and many more. They are clever signs that is highlighting the hypocrisy of human behavior by using sarcasm, so watch out for them on you way home after work or school, maybe you will spot one.

you-are-not-on-the-list welcome-to-hell-street-sign

double-crossing-sign we-are-all-street-sign lets-go-eat-sushi-sign


“TrustoCorp is a New York based artist (or artists) dedicated to highlighting the hypocrisy and hilarity of human behavior through sarcasm and satire. TrustoCorp targets areas in the public domain typically reserved for messages of trust and authority and abuses them with visual messages of mayhem and absurdity hijacked from the visual style of our authorities.”

i-am-not-lovin-it game-the-system-street-sign freedom-choice beware-od-rats-and-snakes-street-sign

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